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Registation Process


BJP Registration

Step 1 - Register with BJP

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The first step is to register with the Association BJP  Bjelke-Petersen School of Physical Culture and select Magic Point Physie from the Club drop down list. The links to register with BJP are provided below for BJP standard registration and BJP Active Kids registration. The fees for the association are provided on the Fee page.

Club Registration

Step 2 - Register with the Club


The second step is to register with Magic Point Physie Club via the form below. The fees for the club are provided on the Fee page. Upon receipt of the application the club will send payment details via PayID. Online credit card payment coming soon. A separate form is to be submitted for each participant.

 Magic Point Physie Club Registration

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Club Terms & Conditions

Thank you for registering with Magic Point Physie

Additonal Information
Active Creative Kids
Media Permissions
Club Code of Conduct

Additional Information

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Active Kids

The club will be registered as an Active Kids Provider. To redeem your vouchers please send to the club via email for processing and please ensure you provide participant name / date of birth / voucher number / voucher expiry date.

Media Permissions

As part of the club registration process members are requested to agree to the use of media of participants for club promotional purposes both via internal and external public (social media and web) channels. Should any member have any concerns / restrictions / questions please contact the club via email as required.

Code of Conduct

As part of the club registration process members are requested to agree to comply with the club Code of Conduct which is accessible via button below.

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